I am going to interrupt the series to just write a small love note to accessdata.
Dear FTK,
I know we've had some tough times together in the past. Me cussing at a crashed indexed, you not responding to my mouse clicks. There were times I thought we wouldn't last and that I would find someone else who would fulfill my needs. Then I saw the new you (FTK 2.2.1) and when I actually exported the emails from a indexed search into a recreated recursive directory path from the PST folder structure that it came from I held my breath. When I then saw that actual MSG files were contained in the right folders my heart skipped a beat. Then when I saw that the attachment was actually in place in the MSG ... I knew everything would work out.
G-C Partners, LLC
Seriously though, for those who didn't immediately get this joke alot of the forensic tools available to the market for the last 10 years have had some real gaps of functionality that made our lives torture. One of these most basic features missing was the ability to export an email found when reviewing an image in a forensic tool back to a msg or pst instead of just a text export or html export that wasn't even compliant to the rfc specifications needed for most tools to convert it. If we didn't have it in msg or pst most lawfirms and ediscovery firms could not process it.
FTK 2.2.1 has fixed that issue and for this my office will gain many, many hours of producivity back instead of running my very long process to reassemble the data from other tool outputs.
Back to the series in the next post, thanks for reading.
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